I miss seeing your happy face you are the only one that could help my family as well . I know there's heaps of others that miss you as well and what a joy it wld bring to us all if we saw you. Xoxo
I appreciate the sentiment but it seems like the only time anyone contacts me is when they presumptuously feel the need to remind me that they are saved and that they view me as someone who is condemned to death by God unless I do as they do. I believe their main motivation in doing so is more about them getting to feel extra virtuous about themselves rather than out of a real concern for me.
Well normalfulla i know conditions are going to get pretty bad and I'd rather have Jehovah to rely on than man.
People are wired to survive and feel safer when they think they are prepared for the unknowns in life. They typically are more willing to believe dire warnings about the future rather than trust that things will go along just as they have since the beginning of time. Every generation has had those individuals who gladly capitalize on this human tendency to fear the future. Everyone fearing the end, is afraid that it will come in their life time. No one worries about the end happening after they're gone. You may feel that you are relying on God and are prepared for the future when in reality you are relying on men who have convinced you and millions others for over the last 100+ years that the end is right around the corner and that a relationship with our creator is only possible through them alone even though such a claim is unprovable.